Paula Beck’s Presentation on ‘Cardiac Rehabilitation into Exercise’

Chertsey House, St Peter’s Hospital, 11th Apr, 2015 Summary- Paula Beck, CRY’s myheart member, gave a presentation on Cardiac Rehab into Exercise at St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, on Saturday, 11th Apr, 2015. ICDC Surrey held their annual Education Day for Surrey patients with Internal Cardiac Defibrillators* (ICD) implants at St Peter’s Hospital and CRY (Cardiac […]
Chris Currie on BBC Radio 4 programme

myheart member, Chris Currie, sales and his friend, Clare recently took part in BBC Radio 4’s The Listening Project. They talked about how Chris’ acquired brain injury as a result of cardiac arrest has affected their friendship. This is part of a longer hour long conversation that will form part of the British Library Archive. Please listen to […]
Interview with Miccoli

Miccoli is a three-member Alternative-Indie band from Birmingham, UK of twin brothers, Alessandro and Adriano and sister Francesca. Whilst their popularity is soaring musically, they are becoming powerful youth icons too. Alessandro was born with the heart condition Wollf-Parkinson White (WPW). He remained unaware until a frightening episode when he collapsed back stage after a gig […]
British and Scottish youth champion cyclist talks about living with ARVC

Read about British and Scottish youth champion cyclist Ben Forsyth’s journey of living with ARVC here. Watch CRY’s myheart cardiologist, Dr Michael Papadakis talk about things to avoid with cardiomyopathy below.