Ellie Brogan

Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome

My name is Ellie Brogan, I am 15 years old and suffer from Wolff Parkinson White syndrome (WPW).

I really want to raise money for your charity and thought I would start by telling you my story and the reason why I want to raise money.

When I was 7 years old, I was experiencing heart palpitations but after a visit to the doctor they could not find anything wrong and all was well for 8 years!

Then, in March 2008 (aged 14), I went back to the doctors with the same problem and was admitted to hospital. I had ECGs, blood tests, ECHOs and X-rays. It was the scariest day of my life for me and my parents as we didn’t know what was wrong.

I was diagnosed with Wolfe Parkinson White syndrome and had to stay in hospital to be monitored. After this I had regular visits to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool and throughout the course of my many visits, was fitted with various heart monitors and a cardio call to take home with me.

I was going to have to undergo a cardiac ablation and thus was referred to Broadgreen Heart and Chest hospital in Liverpool to see a different consultant.

By this time I was quite used to hospitals and all that was involved and after many more tests and observations I received fantastic news – the WPW was not bad enough to have to undergo the procedure.

So, although I still have WPW and experience palpitations, I am really reassured knowing that they are nothing to worry about.

I still have regular visits to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital but I know it is nothing to worry about.

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