I have an ICD fitted. Should i tell my work, university etc?

If you have an ICD fitted and you’re driving, you definitely need to inform the DVLA. It will also be prudent that you inform, obviously your immediate family, but also people you are involved within your everyday activities. And that’s prudent because if you were to get an arrhythmia and have a fainting episode, then […]

Are there certain sports you should avoid with an ICD?

The sports that we will advise against in someone who has an intracardiac defibrillator, are predominantly contact sports that are likely to cause any damage to the battery that lies either on your chest or, in the case of a subcutaneous ICD, you’ve got the box under your armpit but you’ve got wires coming at […]

What are the advantages of both the Subcutaneous ICD and ICD?

We recommend ICDs for individuals who are considered to be at high risk of experiencing an irregular heartbeat that may predispose them to fainting episodes or even to sudden cardiac death- in the more severe cases. So, usually, you will have been diagnosed with an inherited cardiac condition, your physician will have done a very […]

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