Medicine and Me Conference

Talks included*:

0:00 to 5:30 – Welcome and introduction – Dr Steven Cox
1:12:00 to 1:27:00 – How can we identify young people with cardiac conditions – Professor Sanjay Sharma
1:27:00 to 1:46:00 – How do we risk stratify young people identified with cardiac conditions – Professor Michael Papadakis
1:46:00 to 2:02:00– How often should patients with cardiac conditions be tested/re-tested? – Professor Sanjay Sharma
2:02:00 to 2:25:00 – How can patients live well after a diagnosis of an inherited cardiac condition? – Professor Michael Papadakis
2:25:00 to 2:44:00 – New frontiers in treatment. How treatments (new medications) for inherited cardiac conditions are changing – Professor Sanjay Sharma
2:44:00 to 3:32:00 – Panel discussion – Dr Steven Cox, Professor Mary Sheppard, Professor Sanjay Sharma, Professor Michael Papadakis and Dr Joe Westaby

*Please be aware that whilst we have highlighted the talks which may be of particular interest to the myheart members, the recording also includes talks about cardiac pathology and the causes of young sudden cardiac death. To see the full agenda please visit

Heart charity invited to take centre stage at prestigious summer conference in association with the Royal Society of Medicine

Leading researchers associated with the charity, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) head up a pioneering panel of experts, discussing latest findings, thought leadership and clinical guidance relating to the prevention and better understanding of sudden cardiac death in young people.

The academic – and interactive – event at the Royal Society of Medicine, is part of the esteemed “Medicine and Me” series (an ongoing programme of meetings which aim to provide an outline of current best practice and future updates around important health conditions).

Delegates had the opportunity to hear from CRY’s leading experts in inherited cardiac conditions and to ask questions relating to their experiences – and expertise – in providing support to affected families and helping them to navigate services.

The one-day conference in association with the RSM also explores how to ensure the best quality of life for those who are living with diagnosed cardiac conditions.

The headline talks on the packed programme led by Professor Mary Sheppard, Professor Sanjay Sharma, Professor Michael Papadakis and Dr Joe Westaby (who all currently hold posts at St George’s, University of London) with subject areas including:

  • The causes and prevention of young sudden cardiac death
  • Methods for early identification of high-risk individuals
  • Providing optimal care for patients with diagnosed cardiac conditions.
  • How to manage and support affected families
  • Areas where further research is needed.

Chief Executive of Cardiac Risk in the Young, Dr Steven Cox says; “It is such an honour to have been invited by our associates at the Royal Society of Medicine to develop and host this one-day conference, exploring so many important aspects relating to a better understanding of the causes – and preventative strategies – of sudden cardiac death in young people.

“The event gives us a unique platform to bring together four of the UK’s – if not, world’s – most eminent experts in the field, and to speak directly to our stakeholders and supporters about the huge steps that we as an organisation are taking to reduce the incidence of conditions which so often have devastating consequences.

“The conference programme addresses nine key issue areas, concluding with an enlightening presentation from CRY’s Consultant Cardiologist, Professor Sanjay Sharma, looking at ‘new frontiers’ in treatment and how treatments for inherited cardiac conditions are changing, with the emergence of new medications.”

For more information about the Medicine and Me; Young sudden cardiac death conference, you can track on the following social media links:


For further information, please contact Jo Hudson in the CRY Press Office:
020 7112 4905 / 0770 948 7959 /

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