Update to CredibleMeds List

We have received the following update from CredibleMeds:

December 17, 2020

Re: Revision to the QTdrugs List

We are writing to inform you that Sertindole, a drug used in the treatment of schizophrenia, has been moved from the Possible Risk of Torsades de Pointes (TdP) category to the Known Risk of TdP category because of newly available evidence that it is associated with TdP.

Also, we hope you will try AZCERT’s web-based decision support program, MedSafety Scan®, available at MedSafetyScan.org for open-access use during the COVID-19 pandemic.   The program can help healthcare providers quickly assess a patient’s risk of QT prolongation and detect potentially dangerous drug-drug interactions.

The features of MedSafety Scan are described in detail in a recent article published in Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine titled Assisted prescribing: Clinical decision support with MedSafety Scan

Ray Woosley and the Scientific Review Committee 

Scientific Review Committee Raymond L. Woosley, MD, PhD
Klaus Romero, MD, MS
C.Will Heise, MD
Tyler Gallo, PharmD
Jared Tate, PharmD
David Woosley, MPH

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