Volunteering at the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk by Nicole McShane

Many people encounter CRY for the first time as a result of a sudden death of a young person. Whilst this will always be a tragic loss, the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk gives hope.

Volunteering at the idyllic setting of Tower Bridge was an uplifting experience as all walkers passed by with cheery faces, despite having endured the pain of losing a loved one. Walkers thanked us as volunteers, while we thanked them for participating in the walk.

Whilst sad circumstances likely brought us all to CRY, everyone recognised the importance of fundraising to enable CRY to continue their work in supporting bereaved families, screening young people, carrying out much needed research and ultimately increase awareness of the prevalence of sudden cardiac death.

All in all, the day was a pleasant reminder that in the absence of our loved ones, uniting as one, we can work to reduce the #12AWeek figure of young sudden cardiac deaths.

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