Louise Bees

Living with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome Hi, I got diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) after nearly dying giving birth to my son. I had suffered with palpitations for years, but nothing was done about it. Then, whilst I was pregnant, the attacks became more frequent and when I told my doctor I was given a 24-hour heart monitor […]

Alerting people to your diagnosis in an emergency

MedicAlert in partnership with myheart It is recommended that anyone with a hidden medical condition carries a form of identification detailing their condition and any medication they are on. This could be in the form of a card placed somewhere visible in your wallet/purse, or an identification bracelet, such as a MedicAlert bracelet. MedicAlert is […]

Drugs to avoid

In several heart conditions, particularly long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome, certain medicines or drugs can cause problems and trigger dangerous heart rhythms. These should therefore be avoided. Unfortunately, sale there is a rather long list of these! However a compressive list is available on-line, which is regularly updated: For long QT syndrome: http://www.sads.org.uk/drugs-to-avoid Members with […]


It is very important that you follow the advice of your cardiologist regarding exercise!   If you have been diagnosed with a cardiac condition and you have been told that you should not take part in sport anymore, it is very important that you follow your cardiologist’s advice. This is because some cardiac conditions can […]

Low potassium in the blood (hypokalaemia)

If you are ill and you vomit or have diarrhoea, your body loses some of its essential potassium supply. If you have long QT syndrome or Brugada syndrome, having a low level of potassium can make your condition worse. Therefore if you have vomiting or diarrhoea for more than one day, you should add a […]

Antony Eames

Tony Eames wrote his story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I had my first episode of fainting at 4 years old. From then on I passed out regularly. Sometimes I passed out several times a day. During this time I was not allowed to do any school […]

Bradley Farrow

Living with Brugada I did not realise that anything was wrong with me. Occasionally I would notice that my heart seemed to be going fast like it does when you’ve just been running, but I would not have been running. I didn’t think anything of it as it didn’t bother me and at 15 why […]

Catherine McGough

Living with endocardial fibroelastosis My name is Catherine and I thought I would tell my story so that maybe it will give others a bit of hope. I am now 24 yrs old. When I was 7 weeks old back in December 1979, I was rushed into the Leeds General Infirmary having heart failure. After […]

Louise Dee

Living with long QT syndrome Hi, my name is Louise. It all started in 1990 when I was 8 yrs old. I woke up hearing an alarm clock and realised it was my mother’s for work, so I got out of bed and went to turn the alarm off. When I went into her bedroom […]

Rob Jackson

Living with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) I am a 31 year old Sergeant in the Army Air Corps and until recently was a Lynx Helicopter pilot and aircraft commander operating in Northern Ireland. I joined the Army at 18 and have spent the past 12 years living an active, healthy lifestyle as a soldier. […]

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