Online myheart meeting with Dr Sabiha Gati-Saturday, 4th November, 2023
A myheart members’ video meeting was held on Saturday, 4th November, 2023. Meetings are free to attend and give members an opportunity to meet and discuss their experiences in an informal but supportive environment. Those young people that attend these meetings usually find them very helpful. It does not matter how long ago you were diagnosed […]
The shock of cardiac arrest when you’re young and fit
When your heart suddenly stops pumping blood around your body, the consequences can be life-changing, if not fatal. It’s somehow especially shocking when the cardiac arrest happens to someone who is young and fit – like the Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen. Here myheart member, Meg Fozzard, draws on her own experiences, and those of a […]
Online myheart meeting with Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro-Thursday, 17th March, 2022
A myheart members’ video meeting was held on Thursday, 17th March, 2022. Meetings are free to attend and give members an opportunity to meet and discuss their experiences in an informal but supportive environment. Those young people that attend these meetings usually find them very helpful. It does not matter how long ago you were diagnosed […]
I have a heart condition but it’s not the end of the world!-by Gem O’Reilly
Since being diagnosed with my heart condition at 16 years old, I’ve been trying to understand my body, to understand my limitations and capabilities. That has stemmed into my life in many ways, particularly when it comes to challenging my body and perceptions of what makes a healthy lifestyle. It has led to me running […]
Online myheart meeting with Dr Sabiha Gati
A myheart members’ video meeting was held between 1pm-3pm on Saturday, 24th April 2021. Meetings are free to attend and give members an opportunity to meet and discuss their experiences in an informal but supportive environment. Those young people that attend these meetings usually find them very helpful. It does not matter how long ago you […]
Joe Street and Evan Phillips’ Swansea to London Run for friend and myheart member, Tim Butt
After a close friend of ours, Tim Butt, suffered a near-fatal cardiac arrest we decided it’d be a good idea to go for a run. Setting off from the Liberty Stadium in Swansea, we spent two weeks averaging fifteen miles per day across South Wales and through England all the way to London before then […]
I thought I had a flu but then I suffered a cardiac arrest! by Jake Fordham
On Tuesday the 21st of February I was sent home from work a little early as I was feeling unwell. My colleague had only recently returned to work after having the flu so I assumed I was coming down with something similar. My manager asked me to call in the next day if I was […]
I suffered a cardiac arrest at my sister’s wedding!! by Carly Williams
I have no diagnosis for my SCA yet. It happened in July this year and I have had all the tests but the cause is still unknown, I have MVP but they have said that is unrelated. I am 34 And was at my sister’s wedding as maid of honour. As I walked down the aisle, […]
Running With The Brakes On
myheart member, Andy Owen’s brother has written a blog about his probable diagnosis of ARVC which can be read here.
Joseph Tanner talks about having an ICD implanted
Watch myheart member, Joseph Tanner, talk about his experience of having an ICD implanted. Hi, my name is Joseph tanner. I was diagnosed with Brugada syndrome in 2008 and I was told that I was going to have an ICD implanted. And at first thought I was really scared. I didn’t know what was going […]